Gravure photo web Japonaise pour adulte - Modèle Japonaise : ( |2014.10.17| Sayaka Isoyama/磯山さやか )
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( [(フライデー)デジタル/(Furaide)FRIDAY (Dejitaru)Digital ( FRIDAY GOLD ) - グラビア/(Gurabia)Gravure] - |2014.10.17(フライデー/(Furaide)FRIDAY 2014/10/31)| Sayaka Isoyama/磯山さやか : 磯山さやか「今、ここで抱きしめて……」/(Sayaka Isoyama "Ima(Now; The Present Time; Just Now; Soon; Immediately; Another; (One) More), Koko(Here (Place Physically Close to the Speaker, Place Pointed by the Speaker While Explaining); This Place; This Point; Now; These Past ... (e.g.(e.g. is a Latinistic Abrevation of "exempli gratia"("For Example") Three Years); These Last ... (Followed by a Duration Noun and a Past Sentence: Time Periode Before the Present Time of the Speaker); These Next ... (Followed by a Duration Noun and a non Past Sentence: Time Period After the Present Time of the Speaker); The Next ... (e.g. Few Days)) de Dakishimete(Form of the Verb Gerund(Progressive (of Action))((Dakeshimeru)Neutral Form of the Verb: To Hug Someone Close;To Hold Someone Tight; To Embrace Closely)......" )Sayaka Isoyama "Hold me Tight Here, and Now......" )
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