( [(フライデー)デジタル/(Furaide)FRIDAY (Dejitaru)Digital ( FRIDAY GOLD ) - グラビア/(Gurabia)Gravure] - |2014.11.21(フライデー/(Furaide)FRIDAY 2014/12/05)| Yurina Yanagi/柳ゆり菜 : 柳ゆり菜「ゆるふわボイン」/(Yurina Yanagi "((Yuru((Yurui)Loose; Lenient; Lax; Gentle (Curve, Slope, Etc.); Slow; Weak; Soft; Not Firm)((Yururi)Adverb with the Particle "to" which Underlines the Empathetic Meaning of the Latter: Unhurriedly; Leisurely; Slowly; Relaxedly; Taking One's Time)))Yurufuwa(Soft and gentle (Typically in a Feminine Way; Soft and Fluffy (e.g.(e.g. is a Latinistic Abrevation of "exempli gratia"("For Example") Hair)(Fuwa((Fuwari)Adverb with the Particle "to" which Underlines the Empathetic Meaning of the Latter: Softly; Airy; Gently; Puffy; Fluffy; Lightly) Boin(is a Slang Term to describe a Woman's Large Breast Volume, or Such Breasts in this Category. The Ethimological Origin According to Certain Publications would Affirm that the Use is Derived from a Mimetic Word (or Onomatopeia) that Describes the Collision of Elastic Objects. It is Usually Used for Young Women's Large and Elastic Breasts. It is not Usually for Breasts that are not Considerated Sexualized(Sexual) Objects: Big Breasts; Big Boobs; Onomatopeia (Boing; Sproing; Pow)))Yurina Yanagi "Big Soft and Fluffy Breasts" )
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