lundi 3 avril 2023

Livre photo numérique Japonais pour adulte - Modèle Japonaise : ( |2018/03/22| Iroha Narimiya/成宮いろは )

AVERTISSEMENT : Contient des photos pour adulte/WARNING : Contains pictures for adult.😳

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( [デジグラ/(Deji Gura)DIGI-GRA(Digital Gravure) - デジタル写真集/(Dejitaru Shashinshu)Digital Photobook] - |PPV(Pay-Per-View) No.pad000004 - 2018/03/22 PAD ( (ギリギリ)ギリ見せ美女コレクション/(((Giri Giri(Just Barely; Only Just; At the Very Limit; At the Last Moment))Giri Mise((Miseru)Neutral Form of the Verb: To Show; To Display; To Make (Something or Someone) Look...; To Present an Appearance of...; To Make (Something) Worth Watching; To Be Entertaining; To Make a Show of (Doing); To Do in a Conspicuous Manner; To Do in View of Others; To Resolve to Do; To Do at Any Cost; To Show Others That One Will...) Bijo Korekushon)Barely Show Beauty Collection(Barely Concealed Beauty Collection)| Iroha Narimiya/成宮いろは : 『お願いだから』/("((Onegai((Negai)Desire; Wish; Request; Prayer; Petition; Application))Request; Favour (To Ask); Wish; Please)Onegaidakara((((Da)Informal Form of the Auxiliary: Be; Is((Desu)Polite Form of the Auxiliary: Be; Is)dakara(Informal Form((Desukara)Polite Form): So; Therefore; Accordingly; Consequently; On Those Grounds; That is Why; For that Reason; Like I Said; I Told you Already)((Kara)From (e.g.(e.g. is a Latinistic Abrevation of "exempli gratia"("For Example") Time; Place; Numerical; Quantity); Since; From (Originator); Because; Out of (Constituent; Part); Through (e.g. Window; Vestibule); After; Since (Following Te-Form(Form of the Verb Gerund(Progressive (of Action)) Verb")"(I Beg you to(I Beg of you)) (~ Because I Wish so)" )

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